A Black History Reader: 101 Questions Your Never Thought To Ask, Dr. Claud Anderson’s fifth book, was written to highlight and examine the ignored Social Construct on Race, its effects on Black Americans and strategies they can use to take advantage of its weakness. Using a Q&A format, Dr. Anderson focuses on the etiology of White racism embedded within the Social Construct.
For nearly 500 years, Blacks in America have lived within a continuum of socioeconomic systems—legalized slavery, Jim Crow segregation and political correctness—that mal-distributed nearly 100 % of the nation’s wealth, land, resources, rights, privileges and controls of all levels of government into the hands of Whites. Simultaneously, those systems consigned Blacks into an impoverished powerless underclass. Denied the fruit of their labor, freedom and basic rights, it was impossible for Blacks to be anything other than what White society wanted them to be. The U.S. Constitution, the court system and major corporations were all complicit in locking Blacks into a carefully designed social construct on race. That social construct, instituted even before the official founding of the nation, was so culturally entrenched that not the Civil War, the Black Civil Rights Movement or social integration could significantly alter its effects.
A Black History Reader: 101 Questions You Never Thought to Ask, Dr. Claud Anderson’s fifth book, was written to highlight and examine this ignored social construct on race, its effects on Black Americans and strategies they can use to take advantage of its weaknesses. Using a question and answer format, Dr. Anderson focuses on the etiology of White racism embedded within the social construct. The nation, however, ignores the exceptionality of Black Americans, treats them as guests, then promotes the untruth that all groups have contributed equally in the development of this nation. Neither natives nor immigrants learn the accurate history of the nation and the fact that Blacks were the economic engine that drove the country’s development. A Black History Reader corrects the myths, distortions, lies and omissions about the exceptional contributions of Blacks. It is based on the socio-economic self-empowerment principles of PowerNomics®, so buy it, read it then help eradicate racism.